(Artikkel hentet fra tu.no, 5. sept 2019 av Arne Fenstad) Salmon Evolution håper byggingen kan starte til våren Hvis oppdrettsanlegget blir virkelighet, blir det et av…
Everything is going according to plan. Over the past year, Salmon Evolution has appointed seven key personnel who will take care of and administer their…
Everything is going according to plan. Over the past year, Salmon Evolution has appointed seven key personnel who will take care of and administer their…
Everything is going according to plan. Over the past year, Salmon Evolution has appointed seven key personnel who will take care of and administer their…
Everything is going according to plan. Over the past year, Salmon Evolution has appointed seven key personnel who will take care of and administer their…
Everything is going according to plan. Over the past year, Salmon Evolution has appointed seven key personnel who will take care of and administer their…
Everything is going according to plan. Over the past year, Salmon Evolution has appointed seven key personnel who will take care of and administer their…