We are proud to announce that Salmon Evolution is now certified according to the Global G.A.P. Aquaculture standard.
Salmon Evolution has reached a milestone in the Company’s ambition to offer sustainable high-quality salmon raised on land, with the achievement of certification according to the Global G.A.P. Aquaculture Standard. The standard covers the entire production chain from broodstock, seedlings and feed suppliers to farming, harvesting, and processing – or from “roe to plate”.
Global G.A.P. ensures that all operations within our smolt-facility in Dale, our production facility at Indre Harøy as well as our sales and administration operation meet internationally recognized best practices. The standard ensures food safety, minimal environmental impact, compliance with good animal welfare and workers health and safety.
As for our smolt and production facilities, we are also certified according to the add-on standard GRASP (Risk Assessment on Social Practice).
– Producing high-quality salmon on land in a responsible way is our outmost priority in everything we do. Our dedicated team was therefore well prepared prior to the certification, and I am happy to say the certification process went smoothly and as predicted, COO Ingjarl Skarvøy says.
As part of the Global G.A.P. certification, Salmon Evolution will be evaluated and verified yearly by the third-party verification company DNV to ensure that all operations remain safe and sustainable.
– As we increase our production volumes and expand our operations, our goal to become a beacon for sustainable salmon farming applies more than ever. We are therefore now in the process of getting the ASC certification as well, to further document our social and environmental responsibility, CEO Trond Håkon Schaug-Pettersen says.
Achieving the certification comes at an exciting time for Salmon Evolution, as it prepares for its second and largest commercial harvest of high-quality salmon in Q2 2023.

Want to learn more?
Read more about Global G.A.P. Aquaculture, NON-GM, GRASP and ASC.