INFORMASJONSMØTE TIL ALLE VÅRE NABOER OG INTERESSENTER INVITASJON TIL ÅPENT ALLMØTE Salmon Evolution ASA bestreber seg på å produsere miljømessig bærekraftig og sosialt ansvarlig, og…
Highlights in the quarter Continued production ramp up at Indre Harøy. Batch 5 stocked in February and all-time high biomass production in March. Focus on…
Salmon Evolution has earned a strong, dedicated fan base since its launch last year. Our new standard of salmon has received amazing feedback from customers…
Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Salmon Evolution ASA on 18 April 2023 regarding a contemplated private placement of new shares. The book-building…
The Board of Directors of Salmon Evolution ASA has today on 17 April 2023, approved Salmon Evolution’s Integrated Annual Report for 2022. Please find attached…
Q1 2023 Operational update: Salmon Evolution is pleased to announce that its production ramp up is proceeding according to plan. The Company recorded all-time high biomass…