Share and bond

SALME Price Latest change Date and time Ask Bid High Low Volume
NOK 6.11 -0.12 NOK (-1.9%) 31.03.2025 16:30 6.21 6.07 6.21 6.09 316 564
Symbol SALME
Currency NOK
Market Oslo Børs
List Oslo Bors
Latest price 6.11
Year High 7,15 NOK
Year Low 5,97 NOK
All time high 11,70 NOK
All time low 5,03 NOK
Latest change -0.12 NOK (-1.9%)
Return today -1.9%
Return today (NOK) -0.12 NOK
Return this year -8.5%
Total return this year -8.5%
MCAP 2 827 NOK
Time 16:30:00
Date 2025-03-31
ISIN NO0010892094
Listed since 2020-09-18
Number of shares 462 603 306